每一份送给学校的礼物,无论大小,都深深影响着我们的学生. 当你考虑支持今年时,有许多方式来捐献.
每一份送给学校的礼物,无论大小,都深深影响着我们的学生. 当你考虑支持今年时,有许多方式来捐献.
A cash gift is usually the easiest and most convenient way to make a gift. Mount Union可以立即使用您的现金礼物. 在今年的纳税申报单上,你会得到一笔宝贵的所得税慈善扣除额来抵消你的税款. Gifts of cash are deductible up to 50% of your adjusted gross income (AGI). Any excess deduction can be carried over for five years.
You may make your gift to Mount Union via credit card. We accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. 您可以直接与我们联系(330)829-4136提交您的信用卡信息, 通过我们的 安全的网上礼品表格, or mail your credit card information, 包括数量, 卡类型, full name as it appears on the card, 截止日期, 安全代码, and gift amount to the University of Mount Union, Office of University Advancement, 克拉克大街1972号.美国俄亥俄州,44601.
如果你愿意, 您可以建立一次或一段时间内发生的电子资金转帐(EFT). In order to begin the EFT process, please mail a voided check to the University of Mount Union, Office of University Advancement, 克拉克大街1972号., Alliance, OH 44601,以及您的预期付款时间表和礼品金额.
A gift of stocks or 债券 may provide you with an even greater tax benefit. 如果你持有证券超过一年,其价值已经增加, 你可以避免资本利得税,并获得相当于你的礼物的公平市场价值的慈善所得税减免,最高可达你调整后总收入的30%,未使用的扣除额可在五年内结转.
如果你是70岁半或以上, 你可以从你的个人退休账户中拿出一份礼物来帮助支持联合山. 从你的个人退休账户中获得的礼物(每年不超过10万美元)不应作为应税收入报告. 他们也符合你所要求的最低分配(RMD),这可以降低你的税收. 除了, IRA展期捐赠不计入慈善捐赠的调整后总收入年度限制的50%. 联系您的IRA计划管理员,了解他们的程序,使滚动的礼物到Mount Union.
持有一年以上的房产作为礼物,还可以根据房产的当前价值为您提供慈善税收减免, 同时还能让你在出售房产时避免资本利得税. 赠与不动产的全部市场价值最高可扣除你调整后总收入的30%. Any amount in excess of the 30% can be carried forward for five years. 赠与人应当负责委托有资格的鉴定人对财产进行鉴定. 在大多数情况下,不接受以抵押或留置权为抵押的房地产赠与.
所选作品, 罕见的书, 私人财产和古董也可以作为赠送尤宁山的好礼物. 你可就该物业的全部市值获慈善扣除,但以30%的上限为限,其余部分可获5年的结转扣除. 你将被要求提供一份合格的评估报告提交给大学. 确保您捐赠的个人财产符合慈善税收减免的条件,并确保该财产与联合山有相关的用途, please contact the Office of Advancement.
Through a unique partnership with the Stark Community Foundation, 您的威尼斯人app下载捐赠建议基金允许您根据自己的兴趣和时间表决定支持哪些联合山项目和其他符合条件的慈善机构. You can establish your donor advised fund with a gift of cash, 股票升值, 债券, 或其他符合条件的可出售资产,并立即获得慈善所得税减免. As part of Stark Community Foundation’s well-diversified portfolio, 你辛苦赚来的钱被战略性地投资,以提供长期增长. This allows you to give more as your fund grows tax-free, 准备好支持您的下一个慈善事业,当时刻对你来说是正确的.
A bequest is one of the easiest ways for you to make a planned gift. You can create a bequest of any dollar amount, 赠送特定财产, or designate a percentage of your estate. Your estate will receive a charitable deduction to help offset estate taxes, 你会很高兴知道你的礼物能让我们在未来继续我们的工作.
You can name Mount as a beneficiary of your retirement plan. By making a gift of your retirement plan, your estate will receive a 100% charitable deduction, thereby saving estate taxes, and will avoid the income taxes on those assets. In most cases, there is no need to amend your will, thus saving legal fees. 只需填写一份由计划或账户管理人提供的简短的受益人指定表格.
人寿保险的礼物可以通过简单地指定联合山作为你的政策的受益人. Your life insurance proceeds will help further our mission, 您的遗产将根据所支付收益的价值从遗产税慈善扣除中受益.
A CGA is a contract between you and Mount Union. In exchange for a gift of cash or securities, Mount Union同意为您或您和您的配偶支付终身固定款项. 在所有的付款都完成后,Mount Union将收到你礼物的剩余价值. CGA的好处是,你的付款是固定的,从你的礼物之日起. This means that your payments will never change, even if interest rates fluctuate or the stock market changes. 根据你的礼物,你可能会收到大部分免税付款的额外好处. 在你设立赠予年金的那一年,你也会收到慈善扣除额.
递延慈善捐赠年金(deferred Charitable Gift Annuity)允许中年捐赠者在当前收入较高时进行捐赠. They receive a current income tax deduction, 年金中的资产在年金支付开始前是免税的,年金支付开始是签订年金时商定的一年, 比如退休年龄.
A CRT can help you avoid capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated assets, generate regular increased income for you, provide you with a charitable income tax deduction, and fulfill your philanthropic objectives. 除了, 慈善剩余信托可以向你的继承人支付终身或一段时间的款项. 你的CRT将是投资收益,以产生和利用投资增长机会,帮助抵消通货膨胀对固定收益的影响. There are two types of CRTs. An annuity trust pays a fixed dollar amount to the income beneficiaries. A unitrust pays a fixed percentage of the value of the trust, as re-determined annually, to the income beneficiaries.
许多公司通过配对礼物计划大力支持员工的慈善活动. These types of programs double (even triple) the impact of your gift. 点击这里 to see if your employer has a matching gift policy.